Planetary health is a solution-oriented transdisciplinary field and social movement for addressing the impacts of human disruptions to the Earth’s natural systems on human health and all life on earth. In the 21st century, the top triple planetary threats are climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution. To address these ecological challenges requires closer examination by varying worldviews such as Indigenous ways of knowing, spirituality, faith traditions, holistic practices, and global ethics.
We welcome diverse topics that explore the interconnectivity for the health of our planet. This conference will be of interest to interdisciplinary scholars, graduate, and undergraduate students.
Teddie Potter
Clinical Professor & Director of Planetary Health
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN, United States
January 31, 2024 – Abstract Submission Deadline
February 9, 2024 – Abstract Decisions
March 1, 2024 – Presenter Registration Deadline
We invite abstracts (200 words) for oral or poster presentations that explore the empirical, theoretical, historical, educational, or practice-oriented discussion of interconnectivity for the health of our planet. We welcome diverse presentation topics: such as climate change; biodiversity loss, and pollution; reconciliation ecology; land healing and Indigenous ways of knowing; spirituality, faith traditions, and holistic practice in planetary health; new technology for a circular economy; ecosystem health; environmental racism, justice, and stewardship; healthy watersheds; one-health; policy and action frameworks; endangered species; at-risk ecosystems; mental health and climate change; planetary health education; equity and ethics in planetary health; citizen science for ecological and personal health; and sustainable food systems.
Oral (paper) presentation. Oral (paper) sessions (in-person or online) allow authors to present papers for discussion by conference delegates. We welcome abstracts from completed or in-progress scholarly work (including student theses/dissertations and knowledge translation projects). Oral (paper) sessions involve authors presenting for 10 minutes.
Poster Presentation. A poster presentation (in-person) allows an author to provide a visual summary of their research and/or innovation for conference delegates. We welcome abstracts from completed or in-progress scholarly work (including student theses/dissertations and knowledge translation projects). A poster should be self-contained and self-explanatory, allowing different viewers to proceed on their own while the author is free to supplement or discuss points raised in enquiry. There will be dedicated time allocated in the conference program for poster viewing in a facilitated group.
All abstracts, of 200 words, are to be submitted by January 31, 2024, by 12:00 Midnight (Pacific Standard Time) to Please indicate your preference for an oral or poster presentation, or no preference. Selection of abstracts for presentation will be based on scholarly merit and relevance to the conference topics.
Decisions on abstract submissions will be made by February 9, 2024. If your abstract is accepted for presentation, you will be notified by email of your presentation format. This notice is sent to the contact person for each presentation. If the presentation has more than one author, the contact person is asked to share the information with the other author(s). All accepted abstracts will be included with the conference materials.
All presenters are required to register for the conference and to pay the applicable registration fee no later than March 1, 2024. If the primary author is unable to attend the conference and has made arrangements for someone else to present the paper or poster, that person must register for the conference and pay the applicable registration fee.
Abstracts should reflect or include:
Alignment of purpose/aims and methods;
Clarity of abstract;
Implications and significance of the study/project/theory;
Relevance to one or more of the conference topics.
Barbara Astle, PhD, RN, FCAN, FAAN
David Clements, PhD
Sheryl Reimer-Kirkham, PhD, RN, FCAN
Arnold E. Sikkema, PhD
Kendra Rieger, PhD, RN