What We Do

CANE-AIIE members are part of a committed group, dedicated to taking a stand on planetary health issues
that threaten the health and well-being of Canadians and the planet as a whole.


CANE-AIIE is dedicated to informing and advocating for planetary health balance and stability across the nation.
We believe that nurses should be at the forefront of this advocacy.
To that end, we present current key issues that require awareness, advocacy and action.
Canadian Association of Nurses for the Environment

Why Advocacy?


According to the Canadian Nurses Association (2021), advocacy involves engaging others, exercising one’s voice, and mobilizing evidence to influence policy and practice. It entails speaking out against inequity and inequality and participating directly and indirectly in political processes and acknowledging the importance of evidence, power, and politics in advancing policy options.


Advocating requires the nurse to have courage and self-efficacy and requires the nurse to act with integrity in standing up for one’s beliefs, fighting for what is right, even when confronted with opposition, in the belief that one can be an agent of change (Gottlieb, 2013). We at CANE are pleased to highlight some of our work concerning advocacy. View our campaign involvement at the link below.



CANE-AIIE is dedicated to promoting the education of nurses and students in the context of planetary health.
Canadian Association of Nurses for the Environment

Why Education?

Accelerating environmental change has disrupted the global conditions on which we humans have depended for thousands of years.

Climate change, pollution, loss of biodiversity, land degradation, industrial agriculture, and the resulting changes to fundamental elements such as our diet are causing a heavy burden of disease in all dimensions of human physical, mental and spiritual health.

Nurses have been called to develop their capacity in helping people adapt to the changes resulting from planetary disruption. In order to respond adequately to this call, nurses need a robust educational foundation, understanding the links between environmental disruption and human health.

This section provides tools for nurses to integrate this knowledge.


CANE Newsletter

Keep abreast of CANE-ACIIE News
items, Updates and Member Announcements.

CANE Newsletter

Volume 1: 2021-2022

Volume 2: 2022-2023

Volume 3: 2024

Upcoming Events

Events Calendar

Find Out about Upcoming Planetary Health and Environmental Events
including Webinars, Conferences, Meetings, and other Gatherings

Dates to Remember


Canadian Nurses Association. (2021).  Policy and Advocacy. https://www.cna-aiic.ca/en/policy-advocacy

Gottlieb, L. (2013). Strengths-based nursing care: health and healing for person and family. New York: Springer Pub. Co

Please consider an annual donation to help us in empowering nurses to protect our planet!